Sunday, January 30, 2011

History of Women in Politics

Hi everyone, 

  I found a history/timeline of womens suffrage around the world we could probably just pick and choose the more important details. 



1851: Prussian law forbids women from joining political parties or attending meetings where politics is discussed.
1869: Britain grants unmarried women who are householders the right to vote in local elections.
1862/3: Some Swedish women gain voting rights in local elections.


1881: Some Scottish women get the right to vote in local elections.
1893: New Zealand grants equal voting rights to women.
1894: The United Kingdom expands women's voting rights to married women in local but not national elections.
1895: South Australian women gain voting rights. 
1899: Western Australian women granted voting rights. 


1901: Women in Australia get the vote, with some restrictions. 
1902: Women in New South Wales get the vote. 
1902: Australia grants more voting rights to women.
1906: Finland adopts woman suffrage.
1907: Women in Norway are permitted to stand for election. 
1908: Women in Denmark some women granted local voting rights.
1908: Victoria, Australia, grants women voting rights. 
1909: Sweden grants vote in municipal elections to all women.


1913: Norway adopts full woman suffrage. 
1915: Women get the vote in Denmark and Iceland. 
1916: Canadian women in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan get the vote. 
1917: When the Russian Czar is toppled, the Provisional Government grants universal suffrage with equality for women; later the new Soviet Russian constitution includes full suffrage to women.
1917: Women in the Netherlands are granted the right to stand for election.
1918: The United Kingdom gives a full vote to women of age 30 and older and men age 21 and older.
1918: Canada gives women the vote in most provinces by federal law. Quebec is not included. 
1918: Germany grants women the vote. 
1918: Austria adopts woman suffrage. 
1918: Women given full suffrage in Latvia, Poland, Estonia, and Latvia. 
1918: Russian Federation gives women the right to vote. 
1918: Women granted limited voting rights in Ireland. 
1919: Netherlands gives women the vote. 
1919: Woman suffrage is granted in Belarus, Luxemburg and Ukraine. 
1919: Women in Belgium granted right to vote. 
1919: New Zealand allows women to stand for election.
1919: Sweden grants suffrage with some restrictions. 


1920: On August 26, a constitutional amendment is adopted when the state of Tennessee ratifies it, granting full woman suffrage in all states of the United States. (For more on woman suffrage state-by-state, see the American Woman Suffrage Timeline.)
1920: Woman suffrage is granted in Albania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 
1920: Canadian women get the right to stand for election (but not for all offices - see 1929 below).
1921: Sweden gives women voting rights with some restrictions. 
1921: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Lithuania grant woman suffrage.
1921: Belgium grants women the right to stand for election. 
1922: Burma grants women voting rights.
1924: Mongolia, Saint Lucia and Tajikistan give suffrage to women. 
1924: Kazakstan gives limited voting rights to women. 
1925: Italy grants limited voting rights to women.
1927: Turkmenistan grants woman suffrage. 
1928: The United Kingdom grants equal voting rights to women.
1928: Guyana grants woman suffrage.
1928: Ireland expands women's suffrage rights. 
1929: Ecuador grants suffrage, Romania grants limited suffrage. 
1929: Women found to be "persons" in Canada and therefore able to become members of the Senate.


1930: White women granted suffrage in South Africa. 
1930: Turkey grants women the vote. 
1931: Women get full suffrage in Spain and Sri Lanka. 
1931: Chile and Portugal grant suffrage with some restrictions.
1932: Uruguay, Thailand and Maldives jump on the woman suffrage bandwagon. 
1934: Cuba and Brazil adopt woman suffrage. 
1934: Turkish women are able to stand for election. 
1934: Portugal grants woman suffrage, with some restrictions. 
1935: Women gain right to vote in Myanmar. 
1937: The Philippines grants women full suffrage. 
1938: Women get the vote in Bolivia. 
1938: Uzbekistan grants full suffrage to women. 
1939: El Salvador grants voting rights to women.


1940: Women of Quebec are granted voting rights.
1941: Panama grants limited voting rights to women. 
1942: Women gain full suffrage in the Dominican Republic. 
1944: Bulgaria, France and Jamaica grant suffrage to women. 
1945: Croatia, Indonesia, Italy, Hungary, Japan (with restrictions), Yugoslavia, Senegal and Ireland enact woman suffrage. 
1945: Guyana allows women to stand for election.
1946: Woman suffrage adopted in Palestine, Kenya, Liberia, Cameroon, Korea, Guatemala, Panama (with restrictions), Romania (with restrictions), Venezuela, Yugoslavia and Vietnam.
1946: Women allowed to stand for election in Myanmar.
1947: Bulgaria, Malta, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore and Argentina extend suffrage to women.
1947: Japan extends suffrage, but still retains some restrictions
1947: Mexico grants the vote to women at the municipal level.
1948: Israel, Iraq, Korea, Niger and Surinam adopt woman suffrage. 
1948: Belgium, which previously granted the vote to women, establishes suffrage with a few restrictions for women. 
1949: Bosnia and Herzegovina grant woman suffrage. 
1949: China and Costa Rica give women the vote.
1949: Women gain full suffrage in Chile but most vote separately from men.
1949: Syrian Arab Republic gives the vote to women. 
1949/1950: India grants woman suffrage.


1950: Haiti and Barbados adopt woman suffrage. 
1950: Canada grants full suffrage, extending the vote to some women (and men) previously not included. 
1951: Antigua, Nepal and Grenada give women the vote. 
1952: Covenant on Political Rights of Women enacted by the United Nations, calling for women's right to vote and right to stand for elections. 
1952: Greece, Lebanon and Bolivia (with restrictions) extend suffrage to women. 
1953: Mexico grants women the right to stand for election. and to vote in national elections.
1953: Hungary and Guyana give voting rights to women. 
1953: Bhutan and the Syrian Arab Republic establish full woman suffrage.
1954: Ghana, Colombia and Belize grant woman suffrage. 
1955: Cambodia, Ethiopia, Peru, Honduras and Nicaragua adopt woman suffrage. 
1956: Women given suffrage in Egypt, Somalia, Comoros, Mauritius, Mali and Benin. 
1956: Pakistani women gain right to vote in national elections.
1957: Malaysia extends suffrage to women. 
1957: Zimbabwe grants women the vote. 
1959: Madagascar and Tanzania give suffrage to women. 
1959: San Marino permits women to vote.


1960: Women of Cyprus, Gambia and Tonga get suffrage. 
1960: Canadian women win full rights to stand for election. 
1961: Burundi, Malawy, Paraguay, Rwanda and Sierra Leone adopt woman suffrage.
1961: Women in the Bahamas gain suffrage, with limits. 
1961: Women in El Salvador are permitted to stand for election. 
1962: Algeria, Monaco, Uganda and Zambia adopts woman suffrage. 
1962: Australia adopts full woman suffrage (a few restrictions remain). 
1963: Women in Morocco, Congo, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Kenya gain suffrage. 
1964: Sudan adopts woman suffrage. 
1964: The Bahamas adopts full suffrage with restrictions.
1965: Women gain full suffrage in Afghanistan, Botswana and Lesotho.
1967: Ecuador adopts full suffrage with a few restrictions.
1968: Full woman suffrage adopted in Swaziland.


1970: Yemen adopts full suffrage. 
1970: Andorra permits women to vote. 
1971: Switzerland adopts woman suffrage, and the United States lowers the voting age for both men and women to eighteen.
1972: Bangladesh grants woman suffrage. 
1973: Full suffrage granted to women in Bahrain. 
1973: Women permitted to stand for election in Andover and San Marino. 
1974: Jordan and the Solomon Islands extend suffrage to women. 
1975: Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique give suffrage to women. 
1976: Portugal adopts full woman suffrage with a few restrictions. 
1978: The Republic of Moldova adopts full suffrage with a few restrictions. 
1978: Women in Zimbabwe are able to stand for election. 
1979: Women in the Marshall Islands and Micronesia gain full suffrage rights. 


1980: Iran gives women the vote.
1984: Full suffrage granted to women of Liechtenstein.
1984: In South Africa, voting rights are extended to Coloureds and Indians. 
1986: Central African Republic adopts woman suffrage. 


1990: Samoan women gain full suffrage. 
1994: Kazakhstan grants women full suffrage. 
1994: Black women gain full suffrage in South Africa. 


2005: Kuwaiti Parliament grants women of Kuwait full suffrage.

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