Sunday, January 30, 2011

History of Women in Politics

...also found this article and thought it was really interesting 

FROM SUFFRAGE TO WOMEN'S LIBERATION: FEMINISM IN TWENTIETH CENTURY AMERICA Published in Women: A Feminist Perspective ed. by Jo Freeman, Mountain View, Calif: Mayfield, 5th edition, 1995, pp. 509-28.

57 years of campaigning,
56 referenda to male voters,
480 efforts to get state legislatures to submit suffrage amendments,
277 campaigns to get state party conventions to include women's suffrage planks,
47 campaigns to get state constitutional conventions to write women's suffrage into state constitutions,
30 campaigns to get presidential party conventions to adopt women's suffrage planks into party platforms,
19 successive campaigns with 19 successive Congresses.


  1. So does meeting today work for anyone? just so we can get some concrete ideas of how to organize the movie?
    I'm free all day until a night class.
    I can't make Friday because Im in placement.


  2. Hey ladies,
    Are we still planning on meeting tonight at 7 or would we like to rebook it in light of weather precuations?


  3. Hi everyone,
    We had organized to meet at the Second Cup this Tuesday at 7pm if the strike
    continued. Would that location still work best for everyone as we don't have
    class that night? Or would a meeting at McMaster work better now that the
    strike is over? I can book a library room if thats what we want to do. Just
    let me know

  4. Jen Dam msg'd me that she thinks maybe we should cancel our meeting. (she's at placement so she can't email).
    What does everyone else think? Does rebooking the meeting for Thursday work for everyone?

